classroom management

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classroom management

No more taking away recess and other problematic discipline practices

Shares ways for teachers to transition from disciplinarian or goody dispenser toward a professionally satisfying model for classroom management, with strategies for addressing misbehavior and refocusing on learning goals.
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Positive discipline tools for teachers

effective classroom management for social, emotional, and academic success
"In Positive Discipline Tools for Teachers, you will learn how to successfully incorporate respectful, solution-oriented approaches to ensure a cooperative and productive classroom. Using tools like "Connection Before Correction," "Four Problem-Solving Steps," and "Focusing on Solutions," teachers will be able to focus on student-centered learning, rather than wasting time trying to control their students' behavior"--Back cover.
Cover image of Positive discipline tools for teachers

The 5-minute teacher

how do I maximize time for learning in my classroom?
Cover image of The 5-minute teacher

1-2-3 magic in the classroom

effective discipline for pre-K through grade 8
"Shows teachers how to establish and maintain good management habits in their classrooms through an easy-to-understand program"--Back cover.
Cover image of 1-2-3 magic in the classroom

Teaching class clowns (and what they can teach us)

Offers teachers, administrators, and counselors practical suggestions for teaching class clowns while allowing them to share their blend of humor and intelligence in a manner that remains conducive to learning.
Cover image of Teaching class clowns (and what they can teach us)

I can follow the rules

Eva learns why classroom rules are important.
Cover image of I can follow the rules

Circle forward

building a restorative school community
"A resource guide designed to help teachers, administrators, students and parents incorporate the practice of Circles into the everyday life of the school community... offers comprehensive step-by-step instructions for how to plan, facilitate, and implement the Circle for a variety of purposes within the school environment. It describes the basic process, essential elements and a step-by-step guide for how to organize, plan, and lead Circles. It also provides over one hundred specific lesson plans and ideas for the application of Circles in the following areas of school life: learning and establishing a Circle practice; establishing and affirming community norms; teaching and learning in Circle; building connection and community; promoting social-emotional skills; facilitating important but difficult conversations; Working together as adults; engaging parents and the wider community; developing students as leaders in peer Circles; [and] using Circles for restorative discipline"
Cover image of Circle forward

Conscious discipline

7 basic skills for brain smart classroom management
Provides an introduction to Conscious Discipline, a social and emotional intelligence classroom management program designed to give teachers the discipline skills they need to address the emotional and social issues of children in the twenty-first century.

Create a culture of kindness in middle school

48 character-building lessons to foster respect and prevent bullying
"Book for middle school educators that focuses on building respectful and compassionate school environments and addresses prejudice, anger, exclusion, and bullying among students. Research-based lessons in the book teach students how to accept differences, resolve conflicts, stand up for others, and prevent peer bullying. Digital content includes student handouts"--Provided by publisher.
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