a Margaret and Margarita story = A mi manera : un cuento de Margarita y Margaret
Reiser, Lynn
Parallel text in Spanish and English portrays Margaret and Margarita, who mirror one another as they fix their hair, greet their friends, and engage in other routine activities, each in her own special way.
El vecindario de Quinito / cuento, Ina Cumpiano ; ilustraciones, Jos?? Ram??rez
Cumpiano, Ina
Quinto shows how his family and all his neighbors have important roles to play in the community, from the barber, to the dentist, the baker, and more. Presented in Spanish and English.
When a flute's owner believes it to be in need of repair, a little girl blows out butterflies, an owl, two fish, a nightingale, green leaves, and a great bunch of goose feathers.
David, Mario the thief, and Alicia play hide-and-seek throughout the city. The reader is invited to find them and other named items in each illustration.
Describes in Spanish and English the many different treats that are being stuffed inside a pi?ata, and explains how the pi?ata is broken open to get the goodies out.