
Topical Term

Blood in the library

The Librarian has to dig deeply into his bag of tricks in order to defeat one of his toughest foes, the Eraser.

School libraries head for the edge

rants, recommendations, and reflections
Presents a collection of the author's Library Media Connection columns, offering his perspective on school media, effective ways libraries can use technology, and the role of the library media specialist.

Rex Libris

Rex Libris, Head Librarian of Middleton Public Library, uses his aresenal of high technology weapons to fight ignorance and darkness, confronting the Space Warlord Vaglox, Principia Mathematica, and blood-thirsty vandals.

The time traveler's wife

Clare and Henry, deeply in love, try desperately to maintain normal lives even though he has been diagnosed with Chrono-Displacement Disorder, a condition in which his genetic clock periodically resets, pulling him through time to the past or future.

In the stacks

short stories about libraries and librarians
Presents nineteen short stories with a library theme by such writers as Italo Calvino, Ursula K. LeGuin, Jorge Luis Borges, and Ray Bradbury.

The archivist

a novel
A request by a young poet to see an archive of letters written by T.S. Eliot, unsettles librarian Matthias's composure and forces him to confront his painful memories of his relationship with Judith in the years after World War II.

The eye in the graveyard

The Librarian risks being buried alive in an eerie tower when he tries to dispose of one evil volume.

Collaborative teaching in the middle grades

inquiry science
Presents a comprehensive guide for collaborative teaching in the middle school science classroom, and contains reproducible worksheets, assessment tools, lesson overviews, and library and general science skills.

Copyright essentials for librarians and educators

Offers information providers up-to-date information on how they can protect copyright in the digital age, discussing what makes a work copyright-protected, how long copyrights last, what the rights of copyright owners are, and other related topics.


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