Miss Lotta Scales, a dragon also known as Miss Lotty the librarian, wants to retire from taking care of the school's library but will not willingly stand by and see her beloved books replaced by computers.
Showcases the work of librarians in a variety of fields to examine how, in the early twenty-first century, they still serve as educators, archivists, and curators despite the abundance of digital information available to the general population.
Offers practical information on copyright definitions for librarians and educators, and describes the fundamentals of copyright law for printed works, software, art, Websites, and much more.
Free-thinking librarian Glynis Tryon is in the midst of organizing the historic Woman's Rights Convention of 1848 to be held in the small town of Seneca Falls, New York, when a body turns up in the canal, drawing her attention and talents toward sleuthing.