Presents the story of Alia, a librarian who lives and works in Basra, and her desperate attempt to save the books in the central library at the start of the Iraqi War in 2003.
Twelve-year-old Steve Brixton, a fan of Bailey Brothers detective novels, is mistaken for a real detective and must elude librarians, police, and the mysterious Mr. E as he seeks a missing quilt containing coded information.
A first-grade girl--who does not like to read--stubbornly resists her school librarian's efforts to convince her to love books until she finds one that might change her mind.
The school lunch lady, a secret crime fighter, sets out to stop a group of librarians bent on destroying a shipment of video game systems, while a group of students known as the Breakfast Bunch provides backup.
When Beverly and Oliver, who do well in school but not on the softball field, set out to become better players they get some pointers from their favorite librarian and spend a lot of time practicing.
Miss Lotta Scales is a dragon who believes her job is to protect the school's library books from the children, but when she finally realizes that books are meant to be read, the dragon turns into Miss Lotty, librarian and storyteller.
A.J. and his classmates are convinced that new school librarian, Mrs. Roopy, has multiple personality disorder because she keeps pretending to be famous people.
Fourteen-year-old Anthony Monday of Hoosac, Minnesota, and his friend Miss Eells, the Hoosac librarian, try to stop an evil wizard from turning the world into an icy wasteland.