Hands on, minds on learning! Simulations and projects, writing projects, and reader's theater included. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.
Student workbook including material on vocabulary practice, lesson reviews, reading skills practice, skills worksheets, and project pages. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.
First grade transparency packet for teacher overhead projector. Color transparencies include graphic organizers, reading skills sheets, illustrated and cartographic maps, charts and graphs. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.
First grade transparency packet for teacher overhead projector Students build test taking skills. Students write to score high.Six key strategies reviewed in every unit. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.
Answer key to vocabulary workbook. Students will develop word structure skills, games and activities, writing and vocabulary cards. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.
Students will develop word structure skills, games and activities, writing and vocabulary cards. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.
First grade test practice book. Students build test taking skills. Students write to score high.Six key strategies reviewed in every unit. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.
First grade test practice book answer key. Students build test taking skills. Students write to score high.Six key strategies reviewed in every unit. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.
Provides professional recordings of the Scott Foresman Social Studies Student Edition. Children can follow along in their books as the narrator reads each lesson. The sound of the bell tells the children when to turn the page. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.