Scott Foresman social studies

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Examview Test Bank CD-ROM

People and places
Second grade social studies exam view test bank. CD-ROM helps create tests and study guides quickly and easily. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.

Songs and music

Enjoy a rich collection of patriotic songs. Listen to songs that celebrate world cultures. Sing along with recordings of songs featured in the pupil editions. Songs in English and Spanish. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.

Mindpoint quiz show CD-ROM

all together now
Mindpoint quiz show is an interactive multimedia game that assesses student undertstanding, makes learning fun, and tracks student performance. You can use the program in team mode to engage the entire class, in multiplayer mode to let students compete against each other, or in single player mode to let students play against the computer or race the clock. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.

Digital Learning CD-ROM

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First grade social studies Digital Learning CD-ROM. Students will embark on a digital adventure to explore software, movies,and print activities that correlate to the Scott Foresman Social Studies program. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.

Examview Test Bank CD-ROM

all together now
First grade social studies exam view test bank. CD-ROM helps create tests and study guides quickly and easily. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.

Where we work

First grade social studies leveled readers. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.

Changing communities

First grade social studies leveled readers. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.

Changes in transportation

First grade social studies leveled readers. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.

Independence day

First grade social studies leveled readers. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.

Reading maps and globes

First grade social studies leveled readers. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.


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