edible plants

Topical Term
edible plants

How does it grow?

Contains photographs and facts about how different crops grow, how they are harvested, and how they are used.

Plants give us many kinds of food

Introduces some of the seeds, leaves, roots, and fruit of plants that can be used as food by man and animals.

An instant guide to edible plants

the most familiar edible wild plants of North America described and illustrated in full color
Provides color illustrations and descriptions of edible plants commonly found in North America, grouped according to edible part in the categories of roots and tubers, leaves and shoots, buds and flowers, fruits, and nuts and seeds, and includes tips on how to use the plants as food.

Plants we eat

Looks at where food comes from, and describes the edible parts of various plants, including fruits, vegetables, spices, and grains.

The illustrated guide to edible wild plants

Contains alphabetically arranged entries that provide color photographs and descriptions of over one hundred edible wild plants, each with information on habitat and distribution, as well as how to prepare edible parts. Includes comments on seventeen poisonous plants.

Guide to wild foods and useful plants

Provides descriptions of each part of seventy common wild plants, including leaves, stalks, flowers, fruit, seeds, and roots; and features information about the medicinal and practical uses of each specimen. Includes photographs and illustrations.

Incredible edibles

Contains photographs and brief descriptions of some of the world's most unique foods, including caviar, squid, ostrich eggs, and others.

Field guide to edible wild plants

Contains color illustrations and descriptions of over one hundred edible plants that grow wild in the U.S. and Canada; arranged alphabetically.

Edible plants and animals

unusual foods from aardvark to zamia
An exhaustive and slightly offbeat compendium of the products of nature fit for human consumption, including sample recipes and illustrations of the foods.


an illustrated guide to the world's food plants
Presents detailed information on more than four hundred and fifty fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, herbs, and spices fit for human consumption; and provides historical significance, geographical origins, botanical facts, uses, and culinary advice.


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