language arts (early childhood)

Topical Term
language arts (early childhood)

About the authors

writing workshop with our youngest writers
About the Authors is about the littlest authors -- those in kindergarten through second grade. Based on a profound understanding of the ways in which young children learn, it shows teachers how to launch a writing workshop by inviting children to do what they do naturally -- make stuff.

25 literacy-building art activities

Contains twenty-five art projects with companion poems and lessons designed to build phonemic awareness, oral language, eary writing, and more.

Phonics, naturally

reading & writing for real purposes
Examines the home literacy activities that enable children to learn phonics naturally, and looks at classroom reading and writing activities that support the learning of phonics, with ideas and lessons.

Apprenticeship in literacy

transitions across reading and writing
Offers guidance to teachers on how to develop literacy programs for students in kindergarten through third grade, focusing on the transitions that occur as children become more competent readers and writers. Includes classroom examples.

Change over time in children's literacy development

Presents a nontraditional approach to early literacy intervention, discussing cognitive processes in proficient children and strategies for helping low-achieving children develop reading skill and independence.

Prompting guide

a tool for literacy teachers
A flip chart designed to help literacy teachers enhance their guided reading lessons, intervention lessons, shared reading, independent reading, reading and writing conferences, and dictated, independent, and interactive writing in the classroom.


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