convenience foods

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convenience foods

What's in your hamburger

Explores what actually goes into a hamburger as it traces the journey food takes from the farm to the plate.
Cover image of What's in your hamburger

What's in your chicken nugget

Explores the history of chicken nuggets as well as how they are made, their ingredients, and nutritional information.
Cover image of What's in your chicken nugget

What's in your soda?

Discusses soda pop, including what it is made of, and whether or not it is a healthy choice.

What's in your pizza?

Describes the history of pizza and how it is made.

Portion size me

a study of healthy fast-food choices
"Portion size is the key to the American obesity epidemic," said James Painter, chair of Eastern Illinois University's School of Family and Consumer Sciences. He believed that healthy choices could be found in every fast-food restaurant. To prove his point, he follows two graduate students - 254-pound Aaron and 111-pound Ellen - who ate portions suitable to their body types for a month. They could choose only foods from 10 fast-food restaurants and gas stations. Both ended up losing weight and lowering their cholesterol" - container.Their choices" - container.

Portion size me, too!

how to make healthy fast-food choices
"The fast food industry is providing what people want," said James Painter, chair of Eastern Illinois University's School of Family and Consumer Sciences. "It's people's choices that are making them fat." To prove his point, two graduate students ate fast-food for a month. They made healthier choices with portions suitable to their body types and both ended up losing weight and lowering their cholesterol. Viewers will learn how they did it, comparing calories, portion sizes, extras, and thinking "outside the bun" for healthier choices" - container.

The truth behind factory foods

Readers find out how these three substances act both in agriculture and the environment, where to find them, how they affect health, and what to do to be as healthy as possible.

Fast food nutrition

Learn how to make the best nutritional choices when eating at fast-food restaurants. In this informative program, viewers will discover the importance of picking healthful foods like fruits and vegetables, and avoiding foods that are high in sugar, sodium, calories and trans fat.

Fast food

Provides a range of opinions on the topic of fast food.


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