Schlessinger, Andrew

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Westward expansion in the U.S

Learn about events and historical figures relevant to the westward expansion. Find out how the Louisiana Purchase and the Gold Rush encouraged the exploration and settlement of the U.S. frontier and the relationship between settlers and the Native American population. Features reenactments, journal entries, and historic imagery.

What is government?

Examples of how the American democracy makes, applies and enforces rules and laws. Comparisons to other forms of government around the world.

The three branches of government

Learn why the concept of separation of powers is unique, and explore the executive, judicial and legislative branches in detail.

A history of the presidency

Learn the importance of the presidency, where he lives and what he does. Also how someone gets to be president and the qualities needed for the job.

The history of American government

Learn the history behind America's progression from rule by the English monarchy to today's democracy. Explore colonial government, George Washington and the American revolution. See why the founding fathers set the standard of dividing and sharing power.

Federal, state and local government

Explore the three different levels of American government, illustrating how they are alike and how they differ. Learn the roles of leaders at each level and how all of them together make government work.

American citizenship

Learn what a citizen is and how to be a good one. Explore the right to vote, and other rights and responsibilites of an American. Tips on how to be involved in community.


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