Schlessinger, Andrew

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Henry Hudson

Two contemporary children meet Henry Hudson as he describes his voyages into unexplored territory that would help form the basis for English claims to much of Canada, the Hudson River area and much more.

All about reptiles

Learn the factors that make reptiles different from other animals. Explore their world and characteristics and how they differ from amphibians. Hands-on experiment.

American independence

Summary: Topics include the Boston Tea Party, the story of the Declaration of Independence, the story of the Liberty Bell, and the biography of Thomas Jefferson.

Martin Luther King, Jr

Looks at the life of Martin Luther King, Jr., and his commitment to non-violence in the pursuit of social change. Also examines the important milestones of the Civil Rights Movement, from Brown vs. The Board of Education to the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the legenary March on Washington.

Endangered & Extinct Animals

Learn why some species have become extinct or are about to, and how to make a difference by respecting animal habitats. Hands-on experiment.


Look at the unique characteristics of birds, how they reproduce, make their homes and migrate. Hands-on experiment.

The Middle East

Examines the Middle East conflict over the past 50 years, highlighting major figures and events. Discusses the Arab-Israeli conflict, Cold War tensions, and oil reserves as reasons for U.S. involvement. (23 min.).

Staying safe

strangers, cyberspace & more
Shows children how to be safe in a variety of situations. Includes rules to follow when dealing with other people in the neighborhood, at home, and on the Internet.

Personal health & hygiene

Explores the importance of basic personal hygiene, including tooth brushing, bathing, and proper skin care. Also covers the benefits of getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising sufficiently.


Explains how the body uses food and how to consider balance and moderation when making food choices. Also explores food groups, healthy food handling, how to read labels effectively, and influences on food choice such as culture, advertising, and food fads.


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