Schlessinger, Andrew

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The serf

Explores the daily lives of serfs during the Middle Ages, including a look at their uprisings which eventually changed the social structure in Europe.

The monk

Looks at the lives of monks during the Middle Ages, including their role in the Crusades and the monasteries they built.

The noble

Explores the lives of the nobility during the Middle Ages, including their role in the Crusades and the castles they built.

The knight

Explores the lives of knights during the Middle Ages, including their weaponry, armory, and participation in the Crusades.

The merchant

Explores the lives of merchants during the Middle Ages, including specific guilds and their economic effects on Europe and Asia.

The doctor

Looks at the lives of doctors during the Middle Ages, including their practices, beliefs, and role in the Black Plague.

Using the Internet

Looks at different ways that information can be found online, including the use of subject directories, subscription databases, and specific search engines designed for children. Also examines how to generate effective search strategies and how best to evaluate websites.

All about plant & animal interdependency

Learn how the animal and plant kingdoms interrelate in mutually beneficial relationships. Hands-on experiment.

All about plant adaptation

Learn the ways plants adapt to their surroundings and how they survive in different geographical locations. Hands-on experiment.

The three branches of government

Learn why the concept of separation of powers is unique, and explore the executive, judicial and legislative branches in detail.


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