Schlessinger, Andrew

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Science as inquiry for children

The story of two students who become trapped in their science classroom and must use the skills they've learned to help them escape. They meet leading scientists who help them explore the principles of investigation.

Harriet Tubman

Looks at the life of Tubman, the famed conductor of the Underground Railroad. Also examines the daily life of enslaved people in the U.S. and the dangers faced by those who fought to free them.

The gods of Olympus

Provides an overview of the major characters in Greek mythology and sheds light on their relationships with each other and with humans. Observe the creation of the universe from chaos, learn how Zeus became king of the gods, and examine life on Mount Olympus.

The history of exploration

Takes a close look at the major reasons people were inspired to explore throughout the ages and the innovations that supported advancements in exploration.

What is government?

Examples of how the American democracy makes, applies and enforces rules and laws. Comparisons to other forms of government around the world.

Elements, compounds & mixtures

Learn about the combination of elements: the difference between compounds and mixtures, naturally occurring and man-made. Includes hands-on activity.


Learn about the forces that allow for flight: lift, gravity, thrust and drag, as well as the role atoms and air pressure play. Includes hands-on activity.

All about amphibians

Learn about frogs and their cousins, toads, newts and salamanders. See how they live in and out of water, their life cycle, and the differences between amphibians and reptiles. Hands-on experiment.

Animal needs

Learn about the needs of animals, and how, if these needs are not met, a species can become endangered or extinct. Hands-on experiment.

American citizenship

Learn what a citizen is and how to be a good one. Explore the right to vote, and other rights and responsibilites of an American. Tips on how to be involved in community.


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