
Topical Term

Breathing and meditation

". . . illustrations and step by step instructions show and tell young readers how to meditate"--Provided by publisher.

Be still

practicing meditation
"In [this book], students will learn about guided visual exercises and meditation. Readers are provided with . . . exercises, tips, and activities to better manage their thoughts and feelings. The book is written with a high-interest level to appeal to a more mature audience and with a lower level of complexity and considerate text to help struggling readers. Includes table of contents, glossary, and index"--Provided by publisher.

Just feel

how to be stronger, happier, healthier, and more
"Presents a guide to empowerment that counsels readers on how to harness their emotional awareness to promote independence and problem-solving"--OCLC.

Big breath

a guided meditation for kids
"A guided meditation for children, illustrated with colorful drawings, designed to promote calm and well-being"-- Provided by publisher.

Already a butterfly

a meditation story
A too busy butterfly who spends her day hurrying and worrying finds her own "quiet place" after learning about meditation and mindfulness from a flower bud.

Coming to our senses

healing ourselves and the world through mindfulness
Presents a guide to mindfulness meditation, including information on areas of self-development, self-discovery, learning, and healing through stress reduction and relaxation.

Arriving at your own door

108 lessons in mindfulness
This illustrated collection of more than one hundred verses excerpted from the author's book "Coming to Our Senses" is designed to help readers develop their intuition and understanding of today's complicated world.

What's in your mind today?

"In this guided, illustrated meditation for kids, author Louise Bladen offers a simple mindfulness practice, not to banish bad thoughts, but to feel calm in the midst of thoughts that come and go. Children will learn how to breathe and center themselves in their bodies, find different ways to think about their positive and negative thoughts, and ultimately learn that they have the ability to feel calm and at peace no matter what kinds of thoughts happen to be in their mind at any particular moment"--OCLC.

Mindfulness for all

the wisdom to transform the world
"Kabat-Zinn focuses on how mindfulness really can be a tool to transform the world. He explains how democracy thrives in a mindful context, and why mindfulness is a vital tool for both personal and global understanding and action in these tumultuous times"--OCLC.
Cover image of Mindfulness for all

Falling awake

how to practice mindfulness in everyday life
Answers questions about the mind/body revolution in medicine and health care. Explains how to incorporate them into our hectic, modern lives. By making mindfulness meditation practices part of everyday life, one can enjoy its tangible benefits on the way to a healthier, saner, and more meaningful life.
Cover image of Falling awake


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