comic books, strips, etc

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comic books, strips, etc


energy in action
In graphic novel format, teaches readers all about electricity--where it comes from and how it keeps the world running.


the handcuff king
A brief biography of escape artist Harry Houdini written in comic book format that reveals the secrets of some of his stunts.

One-Punch Man

"In an underground labyrinth, Puri-Puri Prisoner encounters Garo, who is now stronger than ever! Meanwhile, Saitama teams up with the hero Flash while both are lost underground. On the surface, Nyaan toys with Class-A heroes until Drive Knight appears!"--Back cover.

One-Punch Man

"The dangerous monster that can't be cut, Evil Mineral Water, confronts Bushi Drill, Okama Itachi, and Iaian. Meanwhile, Saitama runs into the giant demonic dog Pochi, and Terrible Tornado launches into an epic supernatural battle against Gyoro-Gyoro!"--Back cover.

Ahiahia the orphan

"After his parents are brutally murdered, Ahiahia is raised by his grandmother in a camp surrounded by enemies. His grandmother knows that eventually the camp will turn on Ahiahia, just as it did his parents, so she chants a protection chant over the clothing that she lovingly sews for him, over the amulet and necklace she gives him, even over the dog that is his companion. When he is attacked, Ahiahia must use his agility, hunting skills, and the protection imparted by his grandmother to stay alive"--Provided by publisher.

The mythology class

where Philippine legends become reality
" ... follows Nicole Lacson, an anthropology student at the University of the Philippines. When she is summoned to a secret meeting by the mysterious Madame Enkanta, Nicole finds herself face-to-face with living creatures from mythology and folklore that she never imagined existed in real life! Tikblangs, kapres and a range of engkantos--fantasy figures from her grandfather's bedtime stories--challenge her previously-held notions of reality. Nicole embarks on a quest through the streets of metropolitan Manila with a ragtag crew of college students. With guest appearances from legendary Filipino heroes like Sulayman, Kubin and Lamang, Nicole's class must face down and repel an ancient evil"--Amazon.

The fall

"After just losing his wife, one father will have to face a world in freefall; shaken to its core by an economic, social, political and health crisis without precedent. Facing seemingly unreal and very unexpected dangers, he will do whatever it takes to protect his loved ones in a country on the brink of collapse. In this internationally acclaimed series, Jared Muralt not only tells the story of one family struggling to survive, but also questions the very reasons that brought mankind to this apocalypse"--Amazon.

World War II

fight on the home front
"When we think of war, we often focus on the battlefields. But during the war years of 1941 to 1945, Americans at home did whatever they could to support the troops and defeat the Nazis. While millions of soldiers ship out to fight on battlefronts in Europe and the Pacific, millions of men, women, and children step into new and exciting roles in cities and towns all across the United States. Four curious kids take us into factories, farms, and even kitchens to show what the fight on the home front looks like up close"--Provided by the publisher.

Molly Pitcher

Presents, in graphic novel format, the story of Molly M'Cauley, known as Molly Pitcher, and her efforts on the battlefield during the American Revolutionary War.

Cat + gamer

"A dedicated gamer, Rico discovers what it's like living with a cat--and she 'levels up' in responsibilites and skills every day. Musubi, her cute new companion, tries to understand Riko's behavior through a cat's worldview and Riko uses lessons drawn from video games to guide her in pet care. Enjoying their time together, Riko learns more about cohabitating with a cat, as lessons in grooming, play, and personal space continue to be learned"--Back cover.


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