individualized instruction

Topical Term
individualized instruction

Word callers

small-group and one-to-one interventions for children who "read" but don't comprehend
Shares research and interventions that have helped readers with high decoding skills but low comprehension make the shift to reading with understanding, describing classroom practices designed to help students become more cognitively flexible, focusing on the Sound-Meaning Flexible Thinking Assessment and Intervention, a method that uses the included word and picture cards.
Cover image of Word callers

Professional development for differentiating instruction

"Provides staff developers, teacher leaders, and other professional development leaders with the tools they need to model differentiation as they show teachers and administrators how to successfully implement and maintain differentiated instruction initiatives"--Back cover.
Cover image of Professional development for differentiating instruction

From tutor scripts to talking sticks

100 ways to differentiate instruction in K-12 inclusive classrooms
Provides instructions and suggestions for one hundred ways to differentiate instruction for students with diverse learning styles in K-12 classrooms, featuring entries with full-color illustrations, a materials list, references and recommended reading, and additional resources.
Cover image of From tutor scripts to talking sticks

Differentiated instruction in action

Provide all staff members with the latest ideas and classroom-based strategies for implementing differentiation with this enhanced multimedia CD-ROM.

People types and tiger stripes

a practical guide to learning styles

Tapping the power of personalized learning

a roadmap for school leaders
A guide to implementing personalized learning.

Students at the center

personalized learning with habits of mind

Differentiating the high school classroom

solution strategies for 18 common obstacles

Differentiated literacy strategies

for student growth and achievement in grades 7-12
Presents a comprehensive manual for middle and high school level educators that provides strategies for different stages of literacy instruction and contains over one hundred lesson ideas for various degrees of learning.


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