reading (elementary)

Topical Term
reading (elementary)

The art of teaching reading

Lucy Calkins, founding director of the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project, presents her vision for the whole of teaching reading, discussing the importance of teacher education in ensuring every child becomes a strong reader and writer, and the central role of the independent reading workshop in the reading curriculum.

Strategies that work

teaching comprehension for understanding and engagement
Describes strategies teachers can use to promote reading comprehension in students from kindergarten through eighth grade; and includes examples of student work, illustrations, and other reference tools.

Getting ready to read with readers theatre

Presents fifty, two-page reproducible scripts based on nursery rhymes, poems, and other fun things designed to help preschoolers and kindergarteners build early reading skills.

Crash, bang, boom

exploring literary devices through children's literature
Explores eleven reading skills and literary devices through fifty-five popular children's books; each skill or device is introduced, explained, and reinforced with five related picture books.

The integrated curriculum

books for reluctant readers, grades 2-5
Ideas on how to use thirty-five books in the curriculum to help reluctant readers in grades two to five.

Teaching reading strategies in the school library

Presents a comprehensive manual for teachers and school library media specialists to provide reading instruction in the elementary school library, and contains strategies on sequencing, compare and contrast, and more.

Teaching comprehension with nonfiction read alouds

12 lessons for using newspapers, magazines, and other nonfiction texts to build key comprehension skills
Provides resources and materials for educators teaching reading comprehension to third- through sixth-grade students, including twelve lessons that use nonfiction texts, along with scaffolding tips, assessment ideas, and graphic organizers for each of the lessons.

The next step in guided reading

focused assessments and targeted lessons for helping every student become a better reader
Presents a model for guided reading in elementary classrooms, including lesson plans, targeted reading strategies, guided writing support, and assessment tools.

Nonfiction matters

reading, writing, and research in grades 3-8
A guide to bringing nonfiction into the curriculum in third through eighth-grade classrooms, with strategies and ideas for reading nonfiction, conducting research, and writing reports.

Beyond leveled books

supporting transitional readers in grades 2-5
Examines the characteristics and needs of transitional student readers and offers tools that will assist them in becoming more independent.


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