reading (elementary)

Topical Term
reading (elementary)

Talk about books!

a guide for book clubs, literature circles, and discussion groups, grades 4-8
A guide to creating book discussion groups for elementary and middle school students that offers discussion topics and activity ideas for fifteen titles of different genres.

What's after assessment?

follow-up instruction for phonics, fluency, and comprehension
Provides a resource guide for teachers, and contains suggestions for what to do after instructors have assessed the reading strengths and needs of young readers, including a detailed "if" "then" chart, over one hundred activities that help students read strategically, and advice for helping students take control of their reading.

Spotlight on comprehension

building a literacy of thoughtfulness
Contains over fifty essays in which the authors present strategies for teaching reading comprehension and assessing understanding, and includes checklists, sample lesson plans, book lists, and other teaching and reference tools.

40 reading intervention strategies for K-6 students

research-based support for RTI
Explains forty reading intervention strategies which are appropriate for kindergarten through sixth grade and support Response to Intervention; and includes more than thirty sample lessons.

Teaching about nonfiction with picture books

Presents lessons, activities, and reproducible worksheets designed to help teachers of kindergarten and first grade teach students about nonfiction books.

Teaching with favorite Tomie dePaola books

Contains activities based on favorite Tomie dePaola books designed to help students in first through third grade improve their reading, writing, and comprehension skills. Includes an introduction to the author.

35 must-have assessment and record-keeping forms for reading

Provides information about assessment and evaluation in fourth through eighth grade reading classes, presents a reading strategy curriculum, and features thirty-five reproducible assessment and record-keeping forms.

Let's learn about story elements

character : 15 creative projects that help kids become better readers and writers
Contains fifteen creative projects to help children in grades two through five become better readers and writers and includes organizing forms for books, projects, and materials as well as a reference list for additional resources.

Let's learn about story elements

setting : 15 creative projects that help kids become better readers and writers
Contains an introduction to the concept of setting in a story, providing fifteen creative projects to help students become better readers and writers, and includes organizing forms for books, projects, and materials as well as a reference list for additional resources.

Let's learn about story elements

plot : 15 creative projects that help kids become better readers and writers
Provides students in grades two through five with fifteen reading extension projects focused on the story element of plot.


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