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Sexual harassment

a debate
The authors, two moral philosophers from different theoretical perspectives, debate each other on the morality of sexual harassment. Each one offers an essay and a response to the other's essay.
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Product liability

A collection of essays that provides varying perspectives on issues related to product liability, debating federal liability laws, the effect of strict liability standards, and the awarding of damages by courts.

Freedom of speech

This book explains the origins of the debate on the right of freedom of speech and the current state of the law on freedom of speech and examines some of the arguments for and against limits on freedom of expression.

Disaster relief

Presents articles that argue for and against various issues related to disaster preparedness and relief, including what role, if any, federal agencies should have in providing assistance to disaster victims.

The war on terror

Contains essays that provide opposing opinions on issues related to the U.S. government's approach to fighting international terrorism.

Private property rights

Examines private property rights in America in accordance with the interpretation of the Fifth Amendment; and includes essays that debate the government's right to seize private property for public use.

Rights of students

Contains articles that provide opposing viewpoints on whether measures enacted to ensure safe learning environments in schools are violating the civil rights of students.

Bankruptcy law

A series of controversial essays that debate issues associated with bankruptcy laws and credit card debt including credit counseling and reforms.

Women in the military

Presents a collection of essays that debate various points and counterpoints of women in the military including whether or not women have the right to engage in military combat.

Hate crimes

Contains eight essays that examine the debate over hate crimes, discussing the constitutional aspects of penalty enhanced laws, noose-display laws, and the protection of victims of crimes based on sexual orientation.


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