
Compare Series: 

Child custody issues

Presents essays and articles with opposing viewpoints on the subject of child custody laws. Issues covered include questions of what "best interests of the child" means; the rights of parents; and the role of race in custody battles.

Racial profiling

Examines the debate over the use of racial profiling, providing information and arguments supporting both sides of the issue.

Legalized gambling

A series of controversial essays that explain the debate over legalized gambling in America and the issues associated with it as a result of online casinos and illegal sports betting.

Stem cell research and cloning

Explores the legal and political issues concerning the controversy over stem cell research and therapeutic cloning, including the debates over both federal and privately funded research.

Open government

an American tradition faces national security, privacy, and other challenges
Presents a review of the open government policies set forth in the Constitution by James Madison and other framers and examines its role in post September 11 society, controversies concerning it, and federal mandates regarding the overall security of the nation.

Affirmative action

Discusses the origins of affirmative action legislation in the U.S., and provides opposing perspectives on whether affirmative action is justified as a remedy for racism, the benefits of diversity to society, and the effects of preferences on recipients as well as nonfavored minorities.

Mental health reform

Contains essays that provide varying perspectives on issues related to mental health reform, discussing laws regulating inpatient and outpatient commitment, the right to control treatment, and the cost to society.

American military policy

Presents arguments for and against the United States' role as global policeman, the reduction of our nuclear arsenal, and the need for a ballistic missile defense shield.

Physician-assisted suicide

Presents opposing arguments on physician-assisted suicide and includes an annotated further resource list and guidance on legal research.

Election reform

Presents varying perspectives on the issue of election reform in the United States, discussing voting rights laws, campaign contributions, and the regulation of television advertisements and campaign coverage, and including a look at the future of American democracy.


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