
Compare Series: 

The war on drugs

Provides essays from both sides of three issues surrounding the use of illegal drugs in America including the legalization of marijuana, the mass incarceration of drug addicts, and the use of drug courts.

Social security

Offers opposing views on the Social Security system, its current financial problems, and its uncertain future. Includes a conclusion, legal statutes and opinions, sidebars, and appendices for legal research.

Freedom of information

Debates a variety of issues pertaining to freedom of information in the United States, such as whether the government infringes on privacy rights or whether state secrets should be protected or inspected.


Discusses the controversial topic of blogging and examines issues such as legal protection, the inclusion of detrimental comments, and regulation of student blogging.

Education reform

Discusses important topics facing education in America examining both sides of the debate on school choice, high-stakes testing, and teacher's unions.

Gun control

Presents an overview of the issue of gun control in the United States, and provides varying perspectives on the meaning of the Second Amendment, the effectiveness of gun control laws, and whether gun manufacturers should be held responsible for gun-related deaths.

Election reform

Presents varying perspectives on the issue of election reform in the United States, discussing voting rights laws, campaign contributions, and the regulation of television advertisements and campaign coverage, and including a look at the future of American democracy.

The right to privacy

Defines the right to privacy and considers its importance to a free society, and presents various perspectives on issues related to the right to privacy, including Internet transactions, and airport searches.

Media bias

Presents opposing viewpoints about whether or not newspapers, television, and other media are biased in their reporting. Addresses accusations that a liberal elite controls the media and rejects mainstream American values. Discusses whether media critics' claims are exaggerated. Analyzes First Amendment requirements and the emergence of new and alternate media formats.

Juvenile justice

Provides opposing points of view on issues concerning juvenile justice. Discusses juveniles treated as adults, juveniles and the death penalty, and juveniles receiving life without parole. Includes sidebars that cite laws and opinions to aid in critical analysis and debate.


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