
Compare Series: 

Animal rights

Contains eight essays that examine the debate over animal rights, discussing whether animals are worthy of certain rights, and the use of animals in medical research, for food and clothing, and for entertainment.

Legalizing marijuana

Provides varying perspectives on issues related to marijuana, discussing the dangers of the drug, the enforcement of marijuana laws, and whether or not marijuana should be legalized, and looking at the future of marijuana policy in the U.S.

Rights of students

Contains sets of essays that offer opposing opinions on issues related to the civil rights of students in schools, universities, and other educational institutions, discussing zero tolerance policies, the Fourth Amendment and school searches, and school dress codes.

Unions and labor laws

Offers an overview of unions and labor laws and provides opposing perspectives on whether or not unions are good for society, if labor laws favor employers, and if unions give working people a fairer deal or help some at the expense of others.

The right to privacy

A brief discussion of the Fourth Amendment and topics relating to a person's right to privacy, challenging such issues as an employer's ability to monitor emails and phone conversations of their employees and the media's right to gather information.

White-collar crime

Provides an overview of white collar crime in America, features articles that present varying perspectives on the issue, and includes sidebars, opinions, and reviews of related court cases.

Regulating violence in entertainment

Provides an overview of violence, entertainment, and society, features articles that present varying perspectives on whether violence in entertainment should be regulated, and includes sidebars, opinions, and reviews of related court cases.

Sentencing sex offenders

Examines the controversies surrounding the sentencing of sex offenders in the United States, exploring the most effective, controversial, and outdated methods of punishing, rehabilitating, and tracking sex offenders in the U.S.

Universal healthcare

Contains three pairs of essays that offer opposing opinions on issues related to universal health care, debating whether health care in the United States is a basic human right or commodity, the pros and cons of a national single-payer system, and how to manage systems while insuring quality.


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