eating customs

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eating customs

Felix eats up

"Felix brings the same lunch to school every day: sprouts on buttered oat bread. He will also eat pasta with butter. And he loves macaroni and cheese. No need to try anything new. Then, on the night of Fiona's half-birthday celebration, Felix finds himself in a pickle. Will he leave the restaurant hungry, or can Fiona finally persuade him to widen his food horizons?"--Dust jacket.
Cover image of Felix eats up

Free the worms!

While her class is studying reptiles, Katie, a vegetarian, refuses to feed worms to Slinky the snake, class 4A's pet, but when the magic wind turns her into Slinky, Katie learns that some animals cannot survive on vegetables alone.
Cover image of Free the worms!

The world cookbook for students

An introduction to contemporary foodstuffs and cooking and eating habits in thirty-six countries, providing an overview of the history, geographic conditions, and ethnic or religious composition of each featured country, a rationale for the types of food eaten, preparation and eating methods, and approximately five recipes; arranged alphabetically from Sri Lanka to Zimbabwe.
Cover image of The world cookbook for students

The world cookbook for students

An introduction to contemporary foodstuffs and cooking and eating habits in thirty-nine countries, providing an overview of the history, geographic conditions, and ethnic or religious composition of each featured country, a rationale for the types of food eaten, preparation and eating methods, and approximately five recipes; arranged alphabetically from Namibia to Spain.
Cover image of The world cookbook for students

The world cookbook for students

An introduction to contemporary foodstuffs and cooking and eating habits in forty-two countries, providing an overview of the history, geographic conditions, and ethnic or religious composition of each featured country, a rationale for the types of food eaten, preparation and eating methods, and approximately five recipes; arranged alphabetically from Iraq to Myanmar.
Cover image of The world cookbook for students

The world cookbook for students

An introduction to contemporary foodstuffs and cooking and eating habits in thirty-eight countries, providing an overview of the history, geographic conditions, and ethnic or religious composition of each featured country, a rationale for the types of food eaten, preparation and eating methods, and approximately five recipes; arranged alphabetically from Costa Rica to Iran.
Cover image of The world cookbook for students

Menus from history

historic meals and recipes for everyday of the year
Presents menus and recipes for each day of the year, from July through December, based on meals from various historical occasions or significant events, with the name, date, and location of each.
Cover image of Menus from history

Just Grace and the snack attack

As Grace and her classmates study foods from other cultures, she has the opportunity to ponder such mysteries as whether Owen 1 is really bad or not, why she feels jealous when her father helps her best friend with her hot dog report, and how Augustine Dupre, her family's French boarder, can be so wise.
Cover image of Just Grace and the snack attack

The greedy python

A greedy python eats to excess, finally eating himself.
Cover image of The greedy python


A very hungry mouse eats a large lunch comprised of colorful foods.
Cover image of Lunch


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