food service

Topical Term
food service

Careers in the US Coast Guard

The US Coast Guard offers a wide array of career opportunities. Comments from men and women who have served in the military, current statistics and forecasts, and realistic descriptions provide a useful look at Coast Guard jobs ranging from boatswain's mates to health service technicians to operations specialists.

School lunches

healthy choices vs. crowd pleasers
Provides opposing views on issues related to school lunches.

Culinary careers for dummies

Offers advice on selecting a culinary school and tips for using a degree to find a dream job, including information on culinary training, degrees, certificates and numerous career options, along with the paths to get there.

Cool careers without college for people who love to cook & eat

Young people who explore new ingredients and flavors in the kitchen may find that a career in the food industry is the perfect fit. The author presents a variety of exciting careers in which one can cook or eat for a living: cook, personal chef, caterer, and food photographer or stylist are just a few delectable choices.

Careers in restaurants

Identifies career options in the restaurant industry, including chefs, bakers, servers, and bartenders, and describes the education and training required for each position.


jobs in the food industry and how to get them
Provides information about a wide variety of jobs that are available in the food industry, covering the areas of cooking and food preparation, managing a business, marketing and selling, writing, editing, and photography, and teaching and training, and includes profiles of thirty-five people working in these fields.

Opportunities in food service careers

Provides an overview of the field, and includes information on employment, educational requirements, career opportunities, and the pros and cons of an independent business venture.

Becoming a chef

with recipes and reflections from America's leading chefs

Food Services



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