The night watchman

a novel

"It is 1953. Thomas Wazhushk is the night watchman at the the first factory to open near the Turtle Mountain Reservation in rural North Dakota. He is also a prominent Chippewa Council member, trying to understand a new bill that is soon to be put before Congress. The US Government calls it an 'emancipation' bill; but it isn't about freedom--it threatens the rights of Native Americans to their land, their very identity. How can he fight this betrayal? Unlike most of the girls on the reservation, Pixie--'Patrice'--Paranteau has no desire to wear herself down on a husband and kids. She works at the factory, earning barely enough to support her mother and brother . . . But Patrice needs every penny to get if she's ever going to get to Minnesota to find her missing sister Vera"--OCLC.



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