
Topical Term

Spicy hot colors =

Colores picantes
Musical poetry and vivid illustrations present the names of nine colors in English and Spanish.

I remember Abuelito

a Day of the Dead story
A little girl celebrates the Day of the Dead as she waits for the arrival of her grandfather's spirit. Presented in English and Spanish.

Cool salsa

bilingual poems on growing up Latino in the United States
Celebrates the tones, rhythms, sounds, and experiences of growing up Latino in America. Includes works by poets such as Sandra Cisneros, Mart?n Espada, Gary Soto, Ed Vega, and others.
Cover image of Cool salsa

Elefantes =

Elephants at the zoo
Simple text and color photographs describe elephants at a zoo.
Cover image of Elefantes =

The mahogany tree =

El a?rbol de caoba
Follows the life of a mahogany tree, from seedling to a full-grown tree, and describes the adventures it has with a man on the open seas. Presented in English and Spanish.
Cover image of The mahogany tree =

Everywhere coqui?s!

the song of Puerto Rico
The coqui?s, small frogs living in the ancient rain forest of Puerto Rico, keep the parrots awake all night with their singing, and when the parrots chase the coqui?s into town, the rain forest becomes very lonely at night. Presented in English and Spanish.
Cover image of Everywhere coqui?s!

Dancing with the devil and other tales from beyond

A collection of stories based on Mexican American lore, including the title selection in which Joey's date to the school dance, Marlen, is distracted by a well-dressed stranger who literally burns up the dance floor. Presented in English and Spanish.
Cover image of Dancing with the devil and other tales from beyond

El Servicio Secreto de EE.UU.

protege a nuestros li?deres
Describes the Secret Service, including what it is and what Secret Service agents do. Presented in both English and Spanish.
Cover image of El Servicio Secreto de EE.UU.


el misterio sin resolver
Examines the mystery of UFOs, including information on current theories, famous sightings, and the methods scientists are using to prove or disprove their existence.
Cover image of Ovnis


el misterio sin resolver
Explores some of the unexplained mysteries about ghosts and ghostly phenomena.
Cover image of Fantasmas


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