
Topical Term


Discusses the weather, number of days, and special events that occur in the month of February. Presented in English and Spanish.
Cover image of February


Introduces beginning readers to the celebrations, weather, and events they may experience during the month of April. Presented in English and Spanish.
Cover image of April


Photographs and simple text written in both English and Spanish describe jets, their design and uses.
Cover image of Jets

The storyteller's candle

During the early days of the Great Depression, New York City's first Puerto Rican librarian, Pura Belpr?, introduces the public library to immigrants living in El Barrio and hosts the neighborhood's first Three Kings' Day fiesta. Presented in English and Spanish.
Cover image of The storyteller's candle

Hairs =

A vignette from Sandra Cisneros's book "The House on Mango Street" in which a young girl reflects upon her family's different kinds of hair and the safety of her mother's arms; presented in English and Spanish with vivid illustrations.
Cover image of Hairs =

Dirt bikes

Simple text and photos explore dirt bikes and motocross races, covering the parts of bikes, different kinds of tracks, and tricks riders perform. Presented in English and Spanish.
Cover image of Dirt bikes

All the colors we are

the story of how we get our skin color = Todos los colores de nuestra piel : la historia de por qu? tenemos diferentes colores de piel
A simple, scientifically accurate explanation on how people get their skin color for young children in English and Spanish.
Cover image of All the colors we are

Uno, dos, tres =

One, two, three
Pictures depict two sisters going from shop to shop buying birthday presents for their mother. Rhyming text presents numbers from one to ten in English and Spanish.
Cover image of Uno, dos, tres =

Say hola to Spanish

Introduces Spanish by defining such common words as "hola" ("hello"), "perro" ("dog"), and "madre" ("mother").

Uncle Nacho's hat

A bilingual folk tale from Nicaragua about a well-meaning man who can't figure out how to make changes in his life until his niece, Ambrosia, shows him how.


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