Defines the top twenty careers in advertising and marketing, discussing the nature of the work, educational or training requirements, getting started, advancement possibilities, salary, employment outlook, and sources of more information.
business culture, counterculture, and the rise of hip consumerism
Frank, Thomas
A history of advertising, focusing on the 1960s, discussing the industry's anticipation of the youth rebellion of the decade, and looking at how the businesses of advertising and men's clothing teamed up to create and benefit from the cultural revolution.
Douglas Edwards offers an inside look at what it was like to be a part of Google in the company's early years, describing the company's unconventional methods and culture.
turning ordinary products into extraordinary experiences
LaSalle, Diana
Explains how companies can change their business focus to how enjoyable an experience they can give customers, discussing the many different kinds of physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual value that products and services can provide.
Retail anthropologist Paco Underhill discusses why people enjoy shopping, how merchants attempt to control their customers, and how shoppers interact with their retail environment.
Presents detailed descriptions of more than twenty careers in advertising and marketing, and provides an overview of the position with mention of education, requirements, advancement opportunities, earnings, work environment, and other related information.
Provides an overview of careers in sales and marketing with interviews by professionals on the job, discussing their duties, education, and giving advice.
Provides information on careers in business, finance, sales, and marketing that require only a high school diploma, discussing employers, working conditions, workplaces, training, and job-hunting tips for nine different jobs.