eating customs

Topical Term
eating customs

Paradox of plenty

a social history of eating in modern America
America has an abundance of food, but does that mean that America has an adequate diet? Does "supply" always mean that everyone has enough to eat, and if they do, is the food the right kind of nutrition that American's need?.

What you never knew about fingers, forks, & chopsticks

Describes changes in eating customs throughout the centuries and the origins of table manners.

Diet and obesity

This book defines obesity, provides a history of the disease, and examines some of the causes and results of the obesity epidemic.

Junk food, fast food, health food

what America eats and why
Explores 20th-century American eating patterns and includes a selection of recipes reflecting contemporary tastes.

Best food writing

A collection of writings from periodicals, Web sites, and books that explores such topics as culinary history, food sourcing at a greenmarket, equipping a kitchen, and the economics of the restaurant business.

The food of a younger land

a portrait of American food-- before the national highway system, before chain restaurants, and before frozen food, when the nation's food was seasonal, regional, and traditional-- from the lost WPA files
A collection of essays and recipes regarding uniquely regional dishes from around the United States from a time period before interstate roads and national restaurant franchises.

Fast and feast

food in medieval society
Explores the ways in which the ideas and pressures of the Church, society, and financial concerns affected the preparation and presentation of meals during the Middle Ages.


Presents recipes from Russia that reflect the ingredients and culture of the country.

Come and eat!

Photographs and text show how people eat from infancy to adulthood and the traditional eating habits of people from different cultures and countries.

The cat who came for tacos

When kindly Se?or Tomas and Se?ora Rosa welcome a stray cat into their home and share tuna tacos with him, insisting that he use proper table manners, they find that he has a lesson for them, as well.


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