eating customs

Topical Term
eating customs

Food & feasts in Tudor times

Discusses the variety of foods eaten in Europe during the 16th century, as well as how they were produced, preserved, and prepared.

The cooking of Mexico

Introduces the different culinary regions of Mexico and presents all kinds of recipes for traditional Mexican dishes.

Food & feasts in ancient Greece

A social history of the ancient Greeks explaining what foods were eaten and how they were prepared. Includes information about events that brought about special feasts and celebrations.

Food culture

celebrating diverse traditions
This book describes how eating is a central part of many celebrations in cultures around the world, including the way people eat and their use of regional foods.

You are what you eat and other mealtime hazards

A very literal boy who does not like trying new foods receives many confusing words of advice in the form of such phrases as "people need three square meals a day" and "I knew you were a tough cookie.".


This book tells how climate, history, religion and culture have influenced the cuisine of Mexico and includes three recipes with step-by-step instructions.

The Caribbean

This book tells how climate, history, religion and culture have influenced the cuisine of the Caribbean and includes three recipes with step-by-step instructions.

Tales for very picky eaters

A father tells outlandish stories while trying to get his young son, who is a very picky eater, to eat foods he thinks he will not like.

Jake goes peanuts

In an effort to get Jake to eat something other than peanut butter, his parents declare it "Peanut Butter Week" and create such dishes as peanut butter soup, peanut butter pot roast, and even peanut butter dog food for their pet.

The king's taster

The royal chef takes Max the dog, the royal taster, on several international journeys to find a dish for the land's pickiest king.


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